Pedigree For: |
Parents: |
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Max (AZ King Shepherds)
Curtis Von Nobleheim
Chateau's de Chief Hillbilly Girlfriend
Daquirie's Zoe
Spike (AZ King Shepherds)
ARBA Registration, KSCOA Registration, Embark test, Breed Blend %
Cardinal vom Spartoff
Daiquiris MT Elias
Daquirie's Autumn of Stowgreek Canada
Esti (AZ King Shepherds)
Heart of Valley Kilimanjaro
Heart Of the Valley Maunakea
Heart of Valley Emikoussi
AZKS Diesel (Pacific King Shepherds)
Breed Blend %, Embark test, ARBA Registration, KSCOA Registration
Chubbs (Colorado King Shepherds)
ARBA Registration, Breed Blend %
CKS Cowgirl (AZ King Shepherds)
ARBA Registration, Embark test, Breed Blend %
Homegirl (Colorado King Shepherds)
ARBA Registration, Breed Blend %, Embark test
Curtis Von Nobleheim
Chateau's de Chief Hillbilly Girlfriend
Daquirie's Zoe